10 Tips And Tricks To Make Your Eyebrows Look On Fleek!

We all love our eyebrows and wanna make 'em look as good as possible. Eyebrows make or break your look. Some like thin brows some like thick. So its all up on you to shape and make 'em look correct. But there are times when we end up messing our eyebrows instead of making 'em look ON FLEEK! 
Got bushy, thin, unruly eyebrows? don't know how to tame or make them look thicker? no worries, as these 10 tips and tricks comes to the rescue.. phew! 
Below are some tips and tricks that will help you to avoid some common mistakes you make while filing in/ drawing your brows. With the help of these tricks you'll be able to draw/ fill in your eyebrows correctly. Keep reading...

1. Never change the shape of your brows
Almost everyone does this mistake. Never ever try to change the shape of your brows yourself. Always follow the natural shape of your brows and then you can draw/fill in your brows. This can be a bit difficult for those who have straight eyebrows with no arch. But you cannot make an arch yourself. You can never change the shape of straight eyebrows into arched ones and vice-versa yourself, remember this always. If you try to do so then your brows might end up looking worse. So its better to avoid it. Below is a picture of different brow shapes, try to identify yours and then start drawing or filling in accordingly.

2. How to fill in your brows correctly
Most of the people fail in filling in their brows correctly. This is very simple yet tricky process, if you follow the steps given below correctly, you surely will be able to fill in your brows like a total pro!
Just follow the steps given below,
How to do it:
  1. Groom your brows with the help of a small eyebrow brush or an old mascara wand.
  2. Now take a brow pencil or a concealer which matches your skin tone and apply it exactly under your brows. Make sure you follow your natural brow shape.
  3. Start filling in your brows using brow powder or pencil and a small brush. Use the brow powder or brush which matches the color of your brows or is exactly similar.
  4. Outline the rest of your brows using an angled brush.
  5. You can re-apply your concealer or brow pencil beneath your brows if you want. This is an additional step. You can skip it if you want.   
  6. Now comb your brows with a spoolie or an old mascara wand.
  7. Set your brows with a clear eyebrow gel or a clear brow setting formula.

3. Choose correct shade for your brows based on the color of your brows
The common mistake most of the people do while filling in their brows is using wrong powder color or wrong pencil color.
How to find the right color:
  1. People having black colored eyebrows should use dark brown color to fill in their brows, never use black color as it will get too dark and your brows would end up looking too dramatic.
  2. Dark brown hair - Dark brown color
  3. Medium brown hair - Brown or soft brown color  
  4. Golden blonde or dark blonde hair - Blonde or caramel color
  5. Platinum and light blonde hair - Taupe color
Take a look at the picture below to use correct shade for your eyebrows,

4. How to make your brows look thick
Bushy eyebrows are in trend right now and each and everyone wanna try 'em out. But to be honest bushy eyebrows do not look good on each and everyone, but there's no harm in trying. Just give it a try who knows it might look perfect on you.
How to do it:
Just take your brow brush or any brush with which you like to fill in your brows and just dampen it. Do not wet it completely just dampen it before dipping it into the shadow. Now go ahead and dip your dampened brush into the shadow or gel which is suitable to the color of your brows and fill your brows in. You'll get  really bold looking thicker brows.
Refer the picture tutorial below for better understanding.

5. How to get raised eyebrows without even raising 'em
Well I have this stubborn straight eyebrows which makes me look annoyed every single time and I hate it. I always try to keep my eyebrows raised but it gives me a very bad headache (yes, I'm CRAZY) so this hacks is a life saver for me and for all those straight eyebrow-ed  girls who love the raised eyebrow look without even raising 'em.
How to do it:
Well this is simple as hell, all you need is your favorite illuminator/ highlighter/ shimmer and just draw an arch above the brow as shown in the picture below and then blend it with your finger and Viola! you'll instantly get a raised eyebrow look.

6. Spooning
If you need help in filling in your brows, this is a new hack that I learnt recently, it is so simple and easy. By the name itself you know that you'll need a spoon.
How to do it:
Just grab a spoon and hold it over your eye and try to shape the curve of the spoon to the brow shape you want, then use your pencil or powder as you normally would. 

7. Don't look too closely
A lot of people lean in very close to the mirror when filling in their eyebrows, but this is wrong as you may not get the look you wanted. Stay at least a foot away from the mirror while you're doing your brows to give yourself a better perspective, after doing this then lean in at the end to outline.

8. Never over tweeze the top edge of your brows
I've seen a lot of people doing this mistake. Never ever over tweeze the top edge of your brows as it can easily go wrong and mess up the natural shape of your brows. You could loose your arch and you don't want that to happen to you right?
How to fix it:
If your top edge/arch really needs to be tamed then get your eyebrows waxed or threaded by a professional. If you tweeze your eyebrows at home, its better to stick to underneath the brow never tweeze the top edge yourself unless you're a pro.

9. Pluck eyebrows painlessly
The thing about plucking I hate the most is the pain I feel while my eyebrows are plucked. Yes it is pretty painful and I hate it and I am sure most of the people hate it too and are trying to find "ways" to make that process a little easy. So here's this little hack for y'all.
How to do it:
The excellent tip I got from someone is to put a warm washcloth over your eyebrow and then start plucking or pluck your brows directly after showering or washing your face, now what this warm water does is it helps to let you pluck without feeling much pain. This truly helps, you'll feel that reduction in your pain and it is one of the best feeling in the world.

10. DIY eyebrow serum
Don't want to spend too much on an eyebrow serum? Here's how to make your very own brow serum yourself, plus it is very cheap and won't cost you much and it will keep those brows in place.
How to do it:
  1. Castor oil or Vaseline petroleum jelly
  2. Empty mascara tube or an empty bottle
  3. Funnel
  4. A spoolie or an old mascara wand or an eyebrow brush
Take an empty mascara tube or an empty bottle and place a funnel on the mouth of the tube/bottle and start adding castor oil in the tube/bottle. Then take a spoolie or an old mascara wand or an eyebrow brush and dip it in the oil and apply it directly on your eyebrows. Now what this oil does is that it helps in the growth of your eyebrows, but if you already have bushy eyebrows, try Vaseline petroleum jelly instead of castor oil. No need to put it in a bottle or a tube just apply it directly on your brows with the help of your finger or brush or with whatever you like. It helps to keep your eyebrows in place.

So with this I'm done with the 10 tips and tricks to make your eyebrows look on fleek, by following these steps your brows surely will look on fleek.
Leave your comments down below.

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